Wednesday 20 October 2010


We are the proud owners of a really good crop of Desiree and King Edward spuds - they've done brilliantly in our newly dug bed in the garden.  We're planning to plant International Kidney (like Jersey Royals) Anya (a salad potato) and Pink Fir Apple (a main crop which keeps) in the veggie bed in the yurt meadow.  You can't beat the fun of ferreting around in the warm soil for new potatoes, and then there's the wonderful taste once they're freshly boiled with mint!  We hope they will be popular with our first yurt guests, who we're hoping to entertain next summer if all goes well with the planning application.
Speaking of which....  the local press took an active interest in our application, and gave us front page status in the Beccles and Bungay Journal!  We were rather taken aback.  Fortunately it's a very positive piece, and we've since spoken to the journalists and invited them to come along once we've got the yurts up and are ready to roll, all being well (that's not us in the photo, by the way). 
We saw our front page news splash when we returned from a marathon trip to Wales to collect our Monglian yurt.  Some of the key pieces are loaded on the back of the tractor trailer here.  We were lucky to have a window of good sunny weather, which meant that the layers of felt and the thick canvas cover weren't quite as wet as they might have been.  We've been drying them in the barn.  Whilst we were packing our yurt, we took photos of one of the others that was still up, so we can remember how it's all supposed to look when we next put it up! 

And this is what it should look like once we've re-assembled it next spring!  The yurts come from Hidden Valley Yurts in Llanishen, who import them from Mongolia and have their own successful yurt campsite.  They've got a really interesting business model going, and some lovely alpacas.  There's a link to them on our site if you want to see more.

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